Monday, September 21, 2015


What a great summer we have had! Now that you are walking you have been able to get around and play and have such fun. Towards the beginning of the summer we had your checkup at the doctor's office and here were your stats from that day (June 9, 2015):
 - Weight: 23 lbs. 9 oz. (68th percentile)
 - Height: 30 inches ( 5th percentile)
 - Head: 18 3/4 inches (83rd percentile)

Before we went to the doctor that day you fell off the ottoman and tore your frenulum - that's the little flap that goes from the back of your top lip to the top of your two front teeth. I had been concerned about your frenulum possibly needing to be clipped because it was very thick and made a gap between your front teeth. And the dentist had mentioned that it would probably need to be clipped. But when you fell off the ottoman, you bumped your mouth on the corner and it tore. Thankfully, it happened before your doctor's appointment, so we were able to have her take a look at it and to my surprise she said it tore perfectly in the exact spot that it would have been clipped! I think you managed to fix the problem by just falling! Who would have thought?

Something funny I discovered about you this summer is that you are impossible to shop for. When I take you to the store to buy you a new toy, we walk through the toy aisles and no matter what I try to hand to you, you say "No!" and push it away. You love Elsa and Sofia and no matter how many of those kinds of toys I try to buy for you, you refuse everything and we leave with nothing. It is hilarious.

You have been quite the picky eater. Your favorite foods are hot dogs, macaroni and cheese (which you call "mommy cheese"), chicken nuggets, canned green beans, and almost any fruit. You refuse to eat a sandwich of any kind, especially peanut butter. You are very picky about textures. At dinner time we always make you eat whatever we are all having for dinner, which almost always results in tears. But your daddy makes you obey and try the dinner every night. You are getting better at obeying without making such a fuss, but it's slow going.

You love, and I mean LOVE, Baby Bible at church. In the toddler nursery on Sunday mornings they have a short class time that they call Baby Bible. Miss Harmon is the teacher and she sings songs and teaches you simple truths like how God made the animals and that He made you and that He wants you to obey your parents. She also teaches you how to pray and that prayer is talking to God. It's super cute. But you love the class so much that most days you ask about it. You love Sundays because you love Baby Bible! And that makes me so happy!

Here are some memories from this summer.

A day at the zoo with the Hefners - one of our favorite activities. Here are you and Savannah at the playground.

First time at the splash pad this summer. You weren't sure what to do and you didn't really like getting splashed by the water. But you sure were cute!

No summer is complete without participating in the Summer Reading Program at the library. Grams came with us one day.

I love your crazy bed head in the mornings.

More time at the splash pad - this time we met Aunt Jennifer, Jordan, Alex, and Tatum.

You still struggle in the car sometimes. You have never liked being in your car seat and we still have days where you fuss and cry.

You also don't like being in your floating toy in the swimming pool. You just want me to hold you the whole time.

We met Grams at the Claremore splash pad and playground and had a great morning together. And you are just the cutest in your swimsuit and sunglasses.

But you weren't in the mood to sit with Penny and take pictures.

This dress used to be Penny's and I just love you in it!

You LOVE watching TV and would just do it all the time if I would let you. You say "Show! Show!" and run around in circles when I tell you that you can watch something. Here you were starting to get down from the couch when you got distracted by whatever you were watching and just stayed like that for a while. It was cute.

I love your toes and still take pictures of them. You still curl them liked you did when you were tinier and it's so cute! You also take this blanket EVERYWHERE. You pronounce blanket "be-duh" and have it with you always. We thought we lost it once this summer and it was a LONG day without it. I was so happy when we found where you had hidden it (in the bottom of Penny's doll stroller).

You love books! You bring them to us and shout "Ree! Ree!" until we agree to read to you. So cute.

You love to do just about anything with your daddy. Here you are blowing bubbles together.

Fathers Day 2015 - Your daddy is the best daddy!

You and Penny are starting to play together more and more. It's so fun to watch!

We spent a lot of time swinging this summer. It's one of your favorite things to do.

Caught you playing with the Kleenexes! You had been awfully quiet and when I found you, I found this mess. And you were so proud of yourself.

Every day when Daddy would get home from work you would run to him and shout, "Beans! Beans!" He usually keeps this big container of trail mix with him in his work truck and brings it inside when he gets home. You love to eat the pumpkin seeds, which you call beans. So this has become an afternoon ritual - eating Daddy's trail mix together.

I took these pictures in July to practice my photography. You looked so cute in your red, white, and blue dress!

You thought it was so funny when Daddy put these flags in your pigtails.

You adore Pixie! She tolerates you. Only because you feed her sometimes.

We didn't use the backyard pool very often because you usually cried about it.

But playing in the backyard outside of the pool is a blast!

We started going to the pool at Forest Ridge this summer and it was so much fun! Here you are (enjoying your floating toy for a very brief moment) with Austin and Savannah.

Independence Day celebration at church

With all the Starr cousins at church

We went to Incredible Pizza one evening and you loved the games and rides and prizes.

On the fourth of July we did some fireworks at home. You weren't sure at first, but enjoyed it for the most part.

I love these chubby legs!

And I love the way you squat down to play. And I love that curly hair!

We took a two-day trip to Oklahoma City with Grams and Pops. We spent the first day at Frontier City riding rides and swimming at the hotel and the second day at the zoo and science museum. You had such fun! Here you are sleeping in your stroller at Frontier City.

 Riding rides with Penny

Playing in the hotel room

Swimming at the hotel

Morning snuggles before heading to the zoo

At the zoo with Grams and Pops

Science museum fun!

This window is kind of your spot. You love to look out here and shout at the dog or the rabbits.

You and Penny like to take turns with the fly swatter at this window. It's hilarious.

Coloring is a fun new activity for you.

Aunt Carole came to visit us for about a week and we had so much fun with her!

You love shoes! We pulled out some of Penny's old shoes and you had so much fun playing with them.

This is such an honest portrait of you. You are black and white, up and down, happy and then sad. You challenge me every day but I love you fiercely and I am so thankful for you!

More splash pad fun with Daddy by your side.

You are clumsy! You fall down all the time but you never ever cry about it. I like to say that you have summer legs, because your knees are always scraped and your skin is tan and dirty. I love how brave and tough you are. It took you such a long time to learn how to walk, but now that you can, you don't let anything slow you down.

Playing with Daddy when he gets home from work is one of your favorite things to do. He gets down on the floor and lets you climb all over him. And then you sit on his legs and he rocks you back and forth while you shout, "Daddy ride! Daddy ride!"

You went through a cereal phase this summer. You aren't really any good at eating it properly, with a spoon and milk, so I usually make you eat it dry. But on this particular day, you insisted on eating it just like Penny. You kept telling me, "Spoon! Bowl!" and so you ate it like a big girl and you were very pleased with yourself.

Bath time with Penny

Waiting for your daddy to get home from work

Daddy was cleaning up the back yard and you and Penny decided to "help" him.

Daddy is the one who gets you ready for bed every evening. He always gives you your allergy medicine and then brushes your teeth. Then it's time for pajamas, a Bible story, and prayers.

You have learned how to pray this summer. Daddy usually helps you say a prayer like this, "Dear Jesus, thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Penny, and Pixie. Please help me to be a good girl. In Jesus name, Amen." It's one of my favorite parts of the day.

Family pictures by Grandpa

When Penny started school, I started babysitting a little girl named Adriana whose dad teaches at Penny's school. The first few weeks were rough. You hated sharing your toys, your house, your mommy, everything. But you did have a few sweet moments now and then.

Here are some videos of you during the summer.

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