Saturday, June 29, 2013

Gender Reveal

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Last night was our gender reveal party! It was so much fun! Aunt Jessica and I had the party together and that made it doubly exciting. What a fun way to share our great news with our families.

When everyone arrived they “voted” for what they thought each of us was having - a boy or a girl.


Then we took turns cutting our cakes to reveal the gender. Grams cut my cake and revealed the layer of pink icing in the center. Most people were so surprised to find out that you were a girl - lots of people thought I would have a boy! It was really fun to see how everyone reacted.

Next it was Aunt Jessica’s turn. She didn’t even know what she was having yet. She had saved the note from her doctor and gave it to the person who made her cake. So until she cut into that cake she didn’t know whether she was having a boy or a girl. Surprise! She is having a girl too!


What a fun evening of celebrating the TWO precious baby girls that will join the Palmer family in December. I’m sure you and your cousin will grow up very close to one another!

Sixteen Weeks

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

How far along: 16 weeks

How big baby is: 4-5 inches, 3-5 ounces

Baby is the size of: an avocado

Baby's development: Ariana’s body fat is now forming, she is now able to hear some sounds, her eyes are making movements and perceiving light, even though her eyelids are still shut, and her fingerprints are forming.

Mommy’s weight gain: 1 pound this week, 5 pounds total

Mommy’s belly: My belly is so very round! I love it!

Baby’s movements: I am feeling a lot more movement now. I notice it several times a day.

Symptoms: I think I may be having occasional Braxton Hicks contractions. I still tire easily, although I think I’m getting better in that area. I am having some headaches, but I’m not sure if that is due to missing caffeine or being pregnant.

Food cravings: I have still been enjoying a lot of raspberry lemonade.

Emotions: I’m very happy and grateful!

Sleep: I went to Dallas this week with my mom, so naps weren’t possible. But I am sleeping around eight hours at night. I wake up frequently though, which is frustrating. And I still have to get up to use the bathroom 2-3 times each night.

Anything unusual: I have noticed weird movements inside my belly that I do not think are Ariana’s movements. They are higher in my belly and I think they are coming from something above my uterus. I’m not sure what they are, but they feel so weird and kind of freak me out. I suppose they could just be from her kicking the top of my uterus, but I’m not sure. It doesn’t worry me - it’s just strange.

What I am looking forward to: Our “gender reveal” party is this Friday - in two days. I’m super excited to find out what Jessica is having and to tell our family that we are having a little girl! It should be really fun. I can’t believe I was able to spend three entire days with my mom and not accidentally reveal the gender during that time! I’m tired of keeping this secret!

Fifteen Weeks

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

How far along: 15 weeks

How big baby is: 4.5 inches, 2-3 ounces

Baby is the size of: an apple

Baby's development: Tiny bones are developing in the ears, backbone is strengthening, baby has eyelashes and eyebrows.

Mommy’s weight gain: 1 pound this week, 4 pounds total

Mommy’s belly: still getting rounder

Baby’s movements: I have felt a lot more movement this week. Two days ago, in particular, the baby seemed very active. I could feel lots of what felt like tapping, almost like she was saying, “Hello! I’m in here!” It’s very reassuring to feel her moving.

Symptoms: Most symptoms have evened out. I tried taking the Zofran with my Folgard, but it didn’t help the nausea, so I quit taking both and feel much better. Zofran is mostly folic acid, but I get plenty of that in my prenatal vitamin, so I’m not worried about leaving the Folgard out of my daily routine. It has made such a difference! However, I do still feel so tired all the time. By tired, I mean physically fatigued and also sleepy. I had hoped that would have faded by now, but as long as I’m not nauseated, I can’t complain!  ---  Also, I am pretty sure that I have already started having some Braxton Hicks contractions, typically if I have been sitting still for a long time.

Food cravings: This week my main craving has been for raspberry lemonade. I can’t get enough!

Emotions: I am feeling calm and happy this week concerning the pregnancy.

Sleep: I have been taking short half-hour naps most days and usually sleep around 8 hours at night. I have to get up twice each night to use the bathroom, which is annoying.

Anything unusual: My doctor had me do a blood test last week to check my thyroid and I found out yesterday that my levels are normal and healthy. That was good news. He had not noticed any indication otherwise, but said with patients who have a history like mine, he likes to check and make sure things are good.

What I am looking forward to: I’m still looking forward to the gender reveal! I want to tell people who is inside me! Right now, both grandmothers think I’m having a boy. Won’t they be shocked! I am going on a trip with my mom next week and I really hope I can make it through three days with her without accidentally revealing the gender. I want it to be a surprise for everyone a week from Friday!

Fourteen Weeks - It's A Girl!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Today we found out for sure that you are a girl! I am so excited to finally know who you are! You are our little Arianna! Daddy is out of town, but Penny came to the appointment with me. She was very excited to see “our baby” on the screen! We didn’t get to watch you for very long, but you looked so sweet and wiggly. When we got a good look at you in 4D we could see that you had your hands up by your head and your legs crossed and you just looked like you were relaxing in there! We aren’t going to tell our families who you are for another two weeks. This secret will be very hard for me to keep!

How far along: 14 weeks, 1 day

How big baby is: 4.5 inches, 2-3 ounces

Baby is the size of: a lemon

Baby's development: Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and suck her thumb. Liver and spleen are now functioning.

Mommy’s weight gain: 1 pound this week; 3 pounds total

Mommy’s belly: rounder and rounder!

Baby’s movements: I am still feeling flutters occasionally.

Symptoms: I still battle nausea and frequent gagging in the evenings. I still battle fatigue as well, but not as much as before. Yesterday, however, I was nauseated most of the day. I think the culprit may be the extra supplement the doctor has me taking - a medication called Folgard. But he prescribed Zofran, which is a medication that is supposed to help with nausea. Hopefully that will help! I just picked it up today so we’ll see what happens.

Food cravings: This week it’s french fries, ham sandwiches with lots of tomato, sweet tea, and lemonade. The aversions are not as bad as they once were, but are still not gone completely.

Emotions: I had a bit of panic last night when I started thinking about this morning’s appointment. I always worry a little bit that I might end up getting bad news. But all the worry melted away when I saw how perfect you were this morning!

Sleep: My sleep patterns are a bit more normal. I am sleeping about 8 hours each night and taking naps only once or twice a week.

Anything unusual: I had some twinges of pain in my lower abdomen for a few days. They felt like they had something to do with my tube. My doctor wasn’t concerned and they have gone away for now.

What I am looking forward to: telling everyone who you are! We are having a “gender reveal party” in two weeks. Jessica and I will reveal our big news together. We have to wait until then because David won’t be home until then and Jessica doesn’t find out the gender of her baby until then. It’s super hard for me to wait, but I’m trying to be strong!

Thirteen Weeks

Friday, 7 June 2013

How far along: 13 weeks, 2 days

How big baby is: 3 inches

Baby is the size of: clenched fist, or length of a pea pod, 1 ounce

Baby's development: baby’s movements are more fluid, roof of mouth developing, downy hair (lanugo) coating baby’s body

Weight gain: about two pounds this last week - I am now 2 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight

Mommy’s belly: round! Yesterday was the first time a stranger in public has asked when I’m due. I kind of dread that question because people might do math and figure out that I’m only 3 months pregnant when I look much further along!

Baby’s movements: I still think I occasionally feel a flutter or two, but nothing distinctive.

Symptoms: Many of my symptoms are finally waning - although I really thought they would be completely gone by now. I still fight nausea and fatigue - mostly in the evenings. But even when I do experience these symptoms, they are more manageable than they have been in weeks past.

Food cravings: My food aversions are lessening just a bit. I can’t wait for them to go away! This week I have craved strong sweet tea and chips with salsa.

Emotions: I feel pretty calm and even this week. I’m still so excited to be pregnant with a healthy baby!

Sleep: I am afraid to nap during the day because I fear it will make it hard for me to sleep at night. But yesterday I finally gave in to an afternoon power nap and it really did help me last longer in the evening. I actually stayed up until 10:30 - which hasn’t happened in weeks! I did have a hard time falling asleep once I was in bed though.

Anything unusual: I had a dream that I had a baby... and then another one! We know that we’re not having twins, so it was strange for me to dream that. I think the babies in the dream were both boys too, which is interesting since for now we have been told to expect a girl. I was blissfully happy with those babies though!

What I am looking forward to: Finding out baby’s gender! I know I keep saying that, but it feels like time is standing still while I wait to know for sure who is inside me. We have finally settled on both a girl and a boy name. If we have a boy, we plan to name him Milon David. (Milon - pronounced “My-lun” - means “little soldier” and David means “beloved” and obviously comes from his daddy.) If we have a girl we like the name Ariana. (Pronounced “Ah-ri-ah-na” - it means “holy”.) Yesterday, while I was at Target, I finally caved in and bought a couple of baby girl things. In my head I have still felt that we have a 50/50 chance of having a girl or a boy. But the doctor seemed pretty sure that it would be a girl - and he has a great track record for telling super early like that. At the same time, I know if we find out it’s a boy, I can take this stuff back without being disappointed. Anyway... in six days I will know! I can’t wait!

Twelve Weeks - A Milestone

Sunday, 2 June 2013

How far along: 12 weeks, 4 days

How big baby is: 3 inches long

Baby is the size of: a peach or lime

Baby's development: Baby’s intestines have moved from the umbilical cord to baby’s abdomen. Also, vocal chords are developing.

Weight gain: I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight now.

Mommy’s belly: definitely sticking out! I am wearing mostly maternity clothes now, although they are still a little big for me.

(This shirt accentuates the belly a LOT!)

Baby’s movements: I have actually felt a few flutters, although most books would say it’s not possible to feel the baby move yet. I have heard of other mommies who said they could feel movement this early, but not many.

Symptoms: My symptoms are more come and go now. I had several really great days where I felt much better followed by a few bad days where I felt absolutely miserable with nausea and major fatigue. I still have to watch my level of activity - it’s easy to overdo it. But I think I have turned the corner. Most mornings I feel pretty good and the nausea seems to hit during the afternoon or evening.

Food cravings: RIBS! I am still having a lot of food aversions and having a hard time finding food that doesn’t make me sick. Beef and chicken still sound terrible. But for the last three days or so, I have just wanted to eat ribs! We ate at Rib Crib on Friday and at Longhorn Steakhouse today - so I have had ribs twice. And Tracy Hefner brought me some ribs this morning that her husband made yesterday. My other main craving this week has still been frozen cappuccinos from QuikTrip. I have been really careful about caffeine for the most part, but have given in a lot more this week due to this craving!

Emotions: Today I have felt so overwhelmed at God’s goodness in allowing me to be the mother of this baby. We prayed and asked God for another child for a long time and had some very hard and sad times along the way. I have been brought to tears a few times today at the thought of how very good God is for giving us this child!

Sleep: I still get tired very early in the evening, but there have been a few days this week that I have stayed awake until 10:30 or so, which is more normal for me. I haven’t napped as much this week either - it makes it hard for me to fall asleep at night.

Anything unusual: Earlier in the pregnancy I had a hard time swallowing all of the pills I’m supposed to take each day, but in the past few weeks it has been much better. However, Friday evening I could not get my pills down! I struggled for several minutes until I almost threw up. I had to skip the pills that day. Fortunately, the next night I didn’t have much of a problem.

What I am looking forward to: shopping for the baby! Once we know for sure if we’re having a girl or a boy I can start putting a nursery together and buying some of the things we will need! I can’t wait!

Eleven Weeks

21 May 2013

We got to see you again today! I still get a little nervous when I go to the doctor. There is no reason for me to worry about you, but sometimes I still do. I just can’t believe I get to carry you! Once I saw you on that screen all my fears went away. You were VERY wiggly. You just kept moving around - it was like you were as excited as I was! I could not stop smiling. Daddy and Penny came with me today and Penny was so happy to get to see you on the screen. She is so excited about you!

The doctor told us that he thinks you are a girl. In fact, he said he is 96% sure that you are. I guess that will be funny if we find out later that you’re a boy, won’t it? I can’t wait to know for sure! The doctor poked my belly a few times to get you to move around and for just a moment you kicked one of your legs straight out and Dr. N got a quick look. He seemed pretty sure that he was right about you being a girl. Of course, Daddy and I will be happy whether you’re a girl or a boy. Penny will be too. People ask her all the time if she thinks she will have a baby brother or a baby sister. She changes her mind almost every time she answers that question. So I think it’s safe to say we don’t care what you are. We are just grateful that you are healthy!

For now, I guess it’s time to get serious about choosing names. I hope that when we find out for sure whether you’re a girl or a boy we will already have your name picked out! I go back to the doctor in just three weeks to find out. I can’t wait!

Here are some little things going on with my pregnancy right now:

How far along: 11 weeks

How big baby is: 2 1/2 inches, 0.5 ounces

Baby is the size of: a large plum, or a fig

Baby's development: hair follicles are forming, fingernail and toenail beds are developing, baby can stretch and do somersaults

Weight gain: none yet, in fact, I have lost a couple of pounds

Mommy’s belly: definitely showing now. I’m in that weird stage where my regular clothes are too small and my maternity clothes are too big. I don’t have much to wear.

Symptoms: goodness, EVERYTHING. Nausea, excessive saliva, overactive gag reflex, hyper-sensitive sense of smell, headaches, fatigue, dizzy spells

Food Cravings: Cravings? More like food aversions. I have an aversion to all food right now. Nothing smells good, sounds good, or tastes good. Not eating makes the nausea worse, so every few hours I have to find the least disgusting thing to eat. It’s been difficult, but I’m grateful for the reason behind my sickness. However, this week I have had a thing for breakfast burritos from Sonic. Regular beef and chicken make me sick, but for some reason breakfast sausage doesn’t. Finally being able to eat some protein seems to help with my nausea a tiny bit. I have also been craving frozen cappuccinos from QuikTrip which is terrible because the caffeine isn’t that great for you. I have given in a couple of times though.

Emotions: I’m not too emotional, although I do sometimes cry at a commercial, movie, or news story that tugs at a momma’s heart strings.

Sleep: I am sleeping a LOT! I usually go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30 and don’t wake up until almost 7:00 in the morning. And besides that, I often take an hour-long nap during the day.

Anything unusual: Last night I woke up a little after midnight and had to go to the bathroom (that part is not unusual at all). But I couldn’t get back to sleep because I was SO hungry. So I ended up getting out of bed around 12:40 to have a bowl of Reese’s Puffs cereal. I have never gotten up in the middle of the night to eat before! Not even when I was pregnant with my first child!

What I am looking forward to: Finding out for sure if you a girl or a boy! I can’t wait to know who is inside me!