Friday, October 3, 2014

Your Tenth Month - September 2014

Height: 28 inches (63rd percentile)

Weight: 17 lbs., 1 oz. (12th percentile)

*measurements taken at your well baby visit on September 5th

Sleeping Pattern:
You are still taking three naps almost every day! You crazy thing. Here is our usual weekday:
6:15 - Wake up
8:00-9:00 a.m.- First nap
12:30-1:45 p.m. - Second nap
5:45 - 6:15 - Third nap

Eating Habits:
You are still nursing three times a day and eating meals three times a day, with an afternoon snack of yogurt added in. I’m trying to get you to try more finger foods, but you usually make a face and spit the food out unless it’s cheerios, bread, or puff snacks. You do like shredded cheese, but not small cubes - so funny.

Personality, etc.:
You have been a very sweet and smiley girl lately. You are starting to babble a lot more and I can tell that you really think you are communicating. It’s so cute! You still don’t like to be alone, and I guess I can’t blame you.

Accomplishments & Habits:
You have started clapping this month. It's super cute too, because you always have a great big smile on your face when you do it! You also started saying "Daddy" this month, but I'm not sure you mean it. You have said it several times, but you are usually babbling when you do, so it may just be one of your sounds and not a real "word" to you yet.
