Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Your Eleventh Month - October 2014

(No height & weight for this month... I didn't do measurements!)
Sleeping Pattern:
By the end of October you are FINALLY down to two naps a day. You take the first one around 9:00 each morning and the second one somewhere between 1:00 and 2:00 in the afternoon. Each nap is usually only an hour long. (Not nearly long enough for Mommy!)

Eating Habits:
By the end of the month you were nursing only once each day - in the morning right after you wake up. I dropped one of your nursing sessions deliberately, and the other one you sort of dropped yourself. You were disinterested and wouldn’t even try some days. So now you nurse only in the mornings and have whole milk the rest of the day. You are eating three meals a day of purees and some finger foods and then you also have an afternoon snack most days after your nap.

Personality, etc.:
You are fun! Now that you are finally mobile you are fussy much less often, which is so nice! You love to play with your big sister and you follow her to her bedroom and mess with all her stuff. She is usually pretty good about sharing with you. You giggle all the time and it is the cutest giggle in the world.

Accomplishments & Habits:
YOU ARE SCOOTING! You don’t technically crawl yet, since you aren’t on your hands and knees, but you can army crawl with the best of them. You figured this out at the very beginning of the month. One day (October 1st) you tried and scooted a few inches and the next day you were all over the living room. It has been so fun to watch you!

You also learned your “m” and “n” sounds this month, which means you can say “mama!” You don’t say it as my name yet, it’s just a babble to you, but you’ll figure it out soon. (The first time you said “mama” was October 26th.)

You also said your first real word this month. You have said “Daddy” and “Mama” but not on purpose. So your first real word was… CHEESE. I think that’s so funny! You love to eat shredded cheese. Most mornings I give you some to keep you busy while I’m preparing your breakfast. On October 28th I was getting your cheese out and taking a video of how excited you get when I do and when I asked if you wanted some cheese you said, “Chee!” You said it twice so I knew you meant it. It was so cute and funny and I’m excited that I actually have the moment you said your first word on video. Yay! You also said “dah” for dog that same day. Super cute.

Photos & Videos

October 1 - One of your very first attempts at crawling

Early crawling attempt on October 2nd

Babbling on October 3rd

October 5th - Pumpkin Sunday!

October 12th - Playing with your baby

October 12th - Fall Festival Day at church - It was so much colder than we had expected!

"Footed jammers" for both girls!

October 15

October 21 - Playing outside! When Penny is out there you just want to be near her so you can yell at her! :)

October 27 - Just playing inside

October 28th - Your FIRST WORD!

October 30 - In your Halloween costumes! You were both fairies this year and you were adorable! Penny was Tinkerbell and she said you were Rosetta because on the Tinkerbell movies Rosetta is the fairy who wears pink. Works for me!

October 31 - We took a quick trip to Bixby to Carmichael's Pumpkin Patch. It was super cold but really fun!