Friday, March 13, 2015

Winter 2015

(December 2014 - February 2015)

You have grown and changed so much this winter! When you turned one there was a whole list of things you should have been doing or almost doing that you weren’t. And then all of a sudden you just started learning and trying and doing! Here are the milestones and memories from this winter.

December 3 - Today I caught you playing peek-a-boo with yourself in the floor length mirror. It was so cute! And here is a photo of the traditional "I'm sleepy" position. Blanket and finger in your mouth. :)

December 4 - You finally cut your third tooth today after what felt like months of teething. It was the first tooth to emerge on the top.

December 5 - Today was your checkup at the pediatrician’s office. Here are your stats:
         Height: 28 inches (10th percentile)
         Weight: 19 pounds, 4 ounces (42nd percentile)
         Head circumference: 18 ¼ inches (86th percentile)
 At this checkup the doctor was pleased with all of your progress except for your gross motor skills. As of today you aren’t yet sitting up from a prone (lying down) position, you’re not pulling up, you’re not crawling with your belly off the floor, you’re certainly not cruising on furniture yet. So she is sending you to a physical therapist just so we can see what she thinks and find out how we can help you develop and learn these new skills.

December 6 - Today was the first time you took a few crawling “steps” or paces. But it was much later before you began crawling consistently with your tummy off the floor. For the most part you still do your army crawl everywhere. You are so funny to watch - you look like an injured soldier!

December 7 - I made you work for that cup!

December 8 - Today you sat up from a prone position all by yourself for the very first time. Yay!

December 9 - Today you pulled up! It’s like you heard the doctor’s concerns and decided to get with it. Good girl!

December 14

December 16 - Although this is not something you do consistently, this week you have blown your nose several times when I am wiping it with a tissue. It’s so cute!

December 17

December 18

December - With Ralee & Nana

December 22 - I love how curly your hair is getting and your cute firecracker pigtails!

December 25 - Your second Christmas, but the first one you could enjoy. We celebrated Christmas Eve at Nana & Grandpa's house and on Christmas morning opened presents at our own home. Then later in the day Grams & Pops and the Starr family came over for more presents and celebrating!

December 29

December videos:

January 2 - Snuggles

January 4 - Your fourth tooth (second one on the top) has emerged!

January 5 - You like grapes, but you don’t actually eat them. You chew them up and spit them out after you have enjoyed all the juice. It’s so silly.

January 7-11 -- We went to San Antonio to see Uncle Sam graduate from Air Force Basic Training. It was COLD! You got to fly with Nana & Grandpa instead of driving with us - lucky you! You did really well on the trip.

January 12 - You don't like to eat what I make for dinner. So you do this... We're working on it.

January 13

January 14

January 15 - Fun at the aquarium with Austin

January 16 - We took advantage of an unseasonably warm day to play at our neighborhood playground. You had a blast!

January 19 - Your fifth tooth has emerged. It is the third one to come in on the top.

January 22

January 23 - Just playing in your bedroom

January 24 - You did NOT want to practice walking behind your toy. But Daddy knows you need the practice!

Also, you love Pixie. She merely tolerates you.

January 25 - This is how Daddy keeps you warm - especially when we forget your coat!

January 27 - CRAWLING! You rarely try this, and when I notice then you quit immediately. :)

January 28 - More nice weather means more playing outside!

January 29 - Today you attempted to say your sister’s name for the first time. You called her “Bee.”
Also, Nana & Grandpa came over for dinner and I got a rare photo of you and Grandpa together. (Usually he is the one taking all the pictures!)

January 30 - You are crawling with your belly off the floor much more consistently now! You crawl about 80% of the time now. Yay!

Here is a new face you have started making. You're not sure when to use it, but you always think it's funny when you do.

I don't get many photos of you and Penny together, but I loved this one!

January 31 - You are sick! I think it's the flu. I feel so terrible for you! Still, you looked cute with your dazed face, swollen eyes, and crazy hair after your bath.

Here are the words you were able to say by the end of January: hi, bye-bye, dog (“dah”), baby, ball (“bah”), mama, dada, kitty (“tee”), all done (“dah-dah”), toy (“tee”).

February 1 - Your sixth tooth showed up today! It’s the third one on bottom. You are so snaggle-toothed. It’s funny. They are showing up so fast now but they still take a long, long time to come all the way in.

February 2 - You have had the flu this last week and I took you to the doctor today. While we were there we got your latest stats. You aren’t growing very fast, but I love how petite you are!
         Height: 28.3 inches (4th percentile)
         Weight: 19 pounds, 2 ounces (26th percentile)
         Head circumference: 18.3 inches (76th percentile)

Today you started calling Penny “Beebee” consistently. It is the sweetest thing! When she walks into the room you light up and say “Beebee!” in an excited voice. I love it!

February 3 - You really hate being made to practice walking right now. It's such hard work for you!

February 6

Visiting Daddy at work

February 7 - You have been indicating what you want a lot more lately. You will crawl to your crib and whine because you want your blanket that has been left in it. You point at what you want and when you are hungry you’ll point to the food, say “num num” and then poke your chubby finger in your mouth and pretend you are eating! It’s so cute! You are also obsessed with tasting whatever anyone else is eating. If I try to eat while sitting on the couch you climb up and get right in my lap and reach for my food.

February 8

February 9

February 11 - Today was your evaluation with the physical therapist. You are 14 months old and not even close to walking yet. You did great at the evaluation - you moved and played and the therapist was able to get a good idea of what you are able to do and what bad habits you need to overcome in order to start making better progress. I found out a few weeks after this appointment that your gross motor skills were at an 8 month level - six months behind where you should be. But the great thing is that your deficiencies are only in gross motor skills. Your fine motor skills, social and emotional development, and intellectual development are all on track! We will see the therapist once a week for now to learn what we can work on at home and hopefully help you get to where you need to be - and walking!

February 12 - I love those toes!

And those curls!

February 13 - Stealing Daddy's popcorn

February 14 - Family trip to the zoo

February 16 - Today you are 20 lbs. 3 oz.
We also FINALLY got snow! You were able to go sledding for the first time and you liked it! Most of the time you kept a straight face, but there were a few times when you giggled all the way down the hill. It was so much fun!

February 18th - Your seventh tooth emerged today!

February 20 - A baby and her baby

February 25 - I can't decide what color your eyes are! Sometimes they look gray, sometimes green, sometimes hazel. No matter what color, they are beautiful!

February 27

February 28 - Finally climbing the stairs at Uncle Caleb's! You have always been fascinated with them. I was so proud that you are strong enough to go all the way up! That's great progress! We spent the day with the whole Starr family at Caleb's house and you were such a sweet girl.