Saturday, August 2, 2014

Your Eighth Month - July 2014

Height: 25 ¼ inches

Weight: approximately 15 ½ pounds (but my methods of acquiring this information are not very accurate)

Head circumference: (no measurement this month)

(*measurements taken by mommy at home on 7/10*)

Sleeping Pattern
You are still in a great routine! You wake up a little before 7:00 most days and take two naps each day. I still never know if you’ll nap for 45 minutes or 2 hours. Usually it’s closer to an hour. You are sleeping about 11 hours each night.

Eating Habits
You still nurse four times a day and eat three meals a day. Towards the end of this month you went through a phase where you almost couldn’t get enough food! Perhaps it was a growth spurt - but you’re still so tiny!

Personality, etc.
You are the sweetest baby in the universe! It’s like you turned 7 months old, got a couple of teeth, and decided not to be fussy anymore - yay! You smile all the time and you make the funniest screaming squealing sounds when you’re excited. When we take you to a restaurant you usually make loud happy noises. It’s funny - we used to worry that we were bothering those around us because you were fussing so loudly; now we worry that we’re bothering others because your happy squeals are so loud!
At home, you are almost always content to just sit on your blanket and play with your little box of toys. You adore your big sister and smile and babble to her a lot. And you are definitely a Daddy’s girl. You prefer your daddy over me most days. It’s really sweet!
One thing that I have noticed that is really strange and kind of funny is that you don’t like to hear adults laugh. Any time your daddy or I laugh loudly, you get startled and then cry! For a long time we have joked with Uncle Jacob about how you don’t like him, but now I am starting to think it’s because he laughs a lot and you just don’t like to hear him laugh! The strange thing is, Penny laughs very loudly around you all the time and you usually giggle back at her. So apparently, it’s just adult laughs that you don’t like. So funny!

Accomplishments & Habits
Your newest babble is “buh-buh-buh” and it’s very cute. You are very sturdy when sitting up and you can now lie down from a sitting position without just falling over and bumping your head, so that’s nice.
    You got your first two teeth this month! Your first one came in on 7/12 and the second one showed up a day later on 7/13.
    Now that you sit up so well, we no longer have to bring the car seat inside when we are out and about. You can sit up in your stroller, in a shopping cart, and in a high chair at restaurants. This makes me so happy! Neither of us enjoyed it when you had to go everywhere in that car seat. I really think this was the last milestone you needed to meet in order to become the happy baby you are. You hated being stuffed into that seat and you love being free from it! You don’t fuss in the car anymore either, perhaps because you know that you won’t be stuck in that seat for very long.
Anything else
Apparently I was just being paranoid about your hemangioma growing once we stopped your medication. It hasn’t changed at all and if I had not known it was there I wouldn’t be able to tell. You are beautiful! I am so glad we had a doctor who was willing to let us try the newest treatment for that. We were able to avoid a lot of grief because of this easy and early treatment!

    This month we went on a very short “family vacation.” It was just one night in Kansas City. (We were afraid to try anything longer with you!) You did great! I think the drive was about four and a half hours and you did cry for 30-40 minutes on the way there and again on the way home. But that was really better than we thought you would do! We stayed at a hotel that had an indoor water park and you really loved sitting in the little kid pool and splashing in the water! We also went to the Kansas City zoo and you did so great in your stroller! One thing that makes grips like this hard with you is that you don’t nap well anywhere other than your bed. So when we are out and about all day, you don’t sleep much, if at all, and that can get interesting. But overall, the trip was a success and you were a very good girl!


July 1 - Seven months old!

July 2 - You love to make a mess with your food!

July 2 - With Grams at our church celebration

 And so excited to give Uncle Caleb some kisses!

July 3 - We stopped to feed you lunch on our way to Kansas City.

And then again to calm you down after a screaming fit. :)

Ready for swimming at the hotel!

July 4 - Kansas City Zoo with the best daddy in the world!

And later we headed back for more swimming before driving home.

July 7 - A tea party with your favorite people

July 7 - Uncle Jacob took some great pictures!

July 15 - At the playground

July 20

July 21

July 22 - Hanging out with Great Grandma Dorothy

And with Pops later that evening.

July 25 - Enjoying Bible story time with Daddy and Penny before bed

July 26 - A big girl bath!

July 28 - Trying to keep up with the big girls

You did so great at the splash pad! Your cousin, on the other hand, wasn't impressed.

July 30 - I can't believe you're big enough for a sippy cup already.

Just a couple of your favorite toys...

Here are a few videos from this month as well: