Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Your Sixth Month - May 2014

Height: 24 inches


Head circumference:

(Since we didn't have a doctor's visit this month I don't have measurements for you. I did measure your length towards the beginning of the month. But you are still tiny!)

Sleeping Pattern: You are such a “micro-napper!” I really want you to get down to two long naps each day, but you prefer to take 4-5 super short naps each day. We will be working on changing that very soon. You still sleep great at night, but you do seem to wake up very early. Some mornings I can hear you making noises at 5:00 in the morning! You wake up happy and entertain yourself and usually fall back asleep. I never get you out of bed before 6:45.

Eating Habits: You didn’t like nursing so infrequently and you became very cranky about it. So I have thrown the schedule out the window. :) It was something that would have made life easier and more predictable, but that’s just not your style. So now you typically nurse every 3-4 hours, 5-6 times each day. I decided that keeping you happy was more advantageous than keeping you on schedule. We also started you on solids this month. It took you about a week or so to get good at eating from the spoon, but you love food and you get excited when it’s time to eat! So far you have had rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, carrots, green beans, butternut squash, sweet potato, pears, peaches, and blueberries. You prefer the veggies to the fruits for now. I have made all of your fruit and veggie purees at home with a baby food maker which has been fun. The fresh food looks so pretty! (I know that doesn’t really matter, but it’s fun!) By the end of May you were eating two good meals a day in addition to all that nursing you’ve been doing.

Personality, etc.: You still fuss plenty, but you are also becoming more and more enjoyable. Your smiles are so sweet and big! You like to be with us during our meals too. You sit in your Bumbo seat on the kitchen table while we are eating and you stare at our plates and watch the food going to our mouths and you stick your arms and legs straight out and squeal very excitedly. You think food is awesome! It’s so funny. Sometimes you get so loud about it that we can barely hear each other talk.

Accomplishments & Habits: You can now say “da da da” which is super fun and you also laugh, although infrequently. You are grabbing your feet a lot and I can tell that your core is getting stronger, but at the end of the month you still only roll one way (tummy to back) and you aren’t sitting up yet. So far, you haven’t been in much of a hurry to learn new skills. You do them when you’re ready, and not a moment sooner. I have tried to coax you to roll from your back to your tummy by pulling toys out of your reach, but you usually just decide that that toy isn’t that special and just find something else to do. :)
Anything else: Mother’s Day was this month, of course, and it was very special for me with you here! Last year on Mother’s Day we shared the wonderful news with our families that you were on your way. And as I carried you around church on that special Sunday this month, I was happy enough to burst. I hope that as you grow up I will be able to show you how very precious you are to me! You are and always will be an answer to my prayers and I still thank God every day for giving you to me.


Monthly photo with your bear

First time with food!

Mother's Day

I love this funny face that you make!

You adore your daddy!

You love to be outside.