Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Your Fourth Month - March 2014

Height: Still 22 inches :)

Weight: 12 pounds, 2 ounces

    [height & weight from February 24th]

Sleeping Pattern: You are quite the little sleeper! During the month of March you gradually started sleeping even longer. By the end of the month you were sleeping 12 hours at night consistently. Yay! I usually feed you around 8:00 and put you to bed by 8:30 and you typically wake up around 8:30 or 9:00 the next morning.

You don’t take very long naps during the day anymore since you get so much sleep at night. You take 3-4 cat naps each day, always less than an hour each and sometimes as short as 20 minutes.

Eating Habits: You are a great nurser. You LOVE mealtimes and eat very well. You eat five times a day, typically around 3-4 hours between each feeding. Now that you are sleeping longer at night, it’s usually closer to 3 hours.

Personality, etc.: You are still what I would call a “medium maintenance” baby. I wouldn’t go as far as to call you “high maintenance,” but you aren’t super easy either. When you’re awake you want attention and you really like to be held. But you are so particular about how you want to be held. Your favorite thing is for me to hold you facing out on my hip so that you’re upright, your legs are hanging down, you have a little pressure on you tummy from my arm, and you can see everything.
This month you were pretty fussy in the nursery at church. They had to page me to come calm you down several times. I don’t mind coming for you though! I like being with you!

Accomplishments: You rolled over - tummy to back - for the “real” first time on March 1st, at exactly 3 months old. You have done it several times since then, but still don’t do it very frequently. You have yet to roll from your back to your tummy.

This month you started enjoying tummy time (finally)! You can usually spend about 10 minutes on your tummy playing with toys (but usually your burp cloth) before you get fussy and/or roll over. That’s progress considering last month you cried instantly every time I put you down on your tummy to play.

On March 15th, at 3 ½ months old, you laughed your first laugh! You haven’t done it again since then, that I know if, but you are pretty hard to impress. :)

Anything else: During the middle of this month I discovered that you do not tolerate caffeine well . . . at all. You had been extremely fussy for a couple of weeks and I realized that your extreme fussiness coincided with my return to regular coffee. (I had been having headaches and the coffee was really helping!) As soon as I switched back to decaf you were fine! I’m glad I figured it out as soon as I did. I felt so terrible when I realized why you were so unhappy!


March 1 - 3 months old

March 3

March 7 - You usually have this "surprised" face when I point the camera at you!

March 10 - Your first trip to the zoo!

March 11


March 20

March 20 - You have now outgrown my favorite nightgown - I miss it already!