Saturday, March 1, 2014

Your Third Month - February 2014

Height: 22 inches (25th percentile)

Weight: 11.4 pounds (55th percentile)

       [height & weight from February 3rd]

Sleeping Pattern: You sleep 10-11 hours every night from around 9:00 in the evening until about 7:00 or 7:30 in the morning. Way to go!

Eating Habits: You eat five times a day, usually about three and a half hours apart. You are a great nurser!

Personality, etc.: You have become quite the smiley girl - at home anyway. You don’t smile for strangers very often. And Sundays are such an interruption to your routine that you’re not usually a super happy girl on Sunday at church. But at home, and especially when your tummy is full, you love to smile!

You are also happier in general. You’re much better in the car seat and you play on the floor and in your baby seat now.

You are looking more and more like your daddy every day. Lots of people comment about it. I love it!

Accomplishments: You are trying so hard to stick your hand in your mouth. Every once in a while you get it in there, but not for long. You have started batting at the toys that hang from your activity center and even grabbing them towards the end of the month. You like to smile at your toys too.

Anything else: You started taking Propranalol for your nasal tip hemangioma near the beginning of the month and by the end of the month when we went back to the doctor for a recheck, it had already improved! You also saw an ENT and he said the hemangioma does not appear to be causing any other problems with your nose, so that was good news.


Here are some videos of you learning to do new things!