Monday, May 5, 2014

Your Fifth Month - April 2014

Your Fifth Month - April 2014

Height: 23 ½ inches

Weight: 12 lbs. 11 oz.

Head circumference: 16 inches

         (Measurements from April 4th doctor’s visit)

Sleeping Pattern: You are getting into a pretty good sleeping routine, although it’s still not perfect. You sleep 11-12 hours each night and take 2-3 naps each day. By the end of the month you were so easy to put down for a nap. When you would get fussy I would simply put you in bed, you would turn your head sideways and put your fist in your mouth and get quiet right away. Yay!

Eating Habits: You now nurse four times a day with at least four hours between each meal.

Personality, etc.: You are getting sweeter and sweeter. You’re still pretty particular - you know what you want. But you smile at home a lot! You still fuss in the car some, but it gets better every week. Penny can usually keep you entertained well enough.

Accomplishments & Habits: You have started picking up your toys and bringing them to your mouth. Everything goes to your mouth! You also love to feel different textures and scratch them with your little fingers. You have started babbling - your most common sounds are guee, wawa, and yaya. You also make little chewing motions with your mouth which I find adorable. You are razzing a lot now too (blowing through your lips and spitting).
Anything else: Just last month you learned to like the swing and this month you decided you didn’t like it anymore, so we just got rid of it. You are starting to spend more time in your bumbo seat and your exersaucer though, which is great!

I feel like you have changed so much during this month! You have gone from being a little infant who can’t do much to a baby who has more personality. You think your big sister is funny and interesting. You make more pleasant noises. You roll over and notice so much more. You are so fun!


Easter Sunday

Your first taste of food - pineapple!