Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Your Ninth Month - August 2014

Height: (no measurement taken)

Weight: approximately 16 ½ pounds (but my methods of acquiring this information are not very accurate)

Head circumference: (no measurement taken)

Sleeping Pattern:
Your sleeping is about the same as it was last month. Now that Penny has started school I have to get you up early. I usually wake you up at 6:30 on school days and you are back down for your morning nap around 8:30 or 9:00. Your second nap is usually between 1:00 and 2:00 and both of your naps last anywhere from one to two hours. If they are both short, you often end up taking one more half-hour nap around 6:00 even though you go to bed around 7:30 or 8:00. I wish we had a more scheduled routine, but that’s just not your thing.

Eating Habits:
By the end of the month you were nursing three times a day and eating three meals a day. You have started self-feeding with finger foods - Cheerios, small pieces of bread, puff snacks. I started serving you meals with pureed chicken this month and you love the savory foods! You also started having just a tiny bit of whole milk with your baby cereal and you are also enjoying yogurt most days. Yum!

Personality, etc.:
You are still hard to figure out sometimes. You are sweet and happy a lot, but there are still times where you are clingy or unhappy and I just can’t figure out why. We will have a week or two where you aren’t very fussy but then when your teeth start bothering you, you fuss a lot!
You adore your big sister. You think she is hilarious and she loves to entertain you.

Accomplishments & Habits:
You are babbling a little bit more now. Your sounds include dada, buh-buh, vuh-vuh, gaga, a raspy “k” sound, a raspy “f” sound. I am still waiting for you to say “mama!”

You still don’t crawl or even move from your tummy to a sitting position. You are just so content to stay put! You do roll around some to get something that is out of your reach. You are getting better at standing when supported and you think doing that is awesome - you always smile and make so many happy noises when I hold you in a standing position.
Anything else:
You now recognize the word “no.” If you are doing something you aren’t supposed to do, I can say “no” and you stop and frown or cry. It hurts your feelings so much! But it has also helped you start learning some rules. Daddy and I have practiced with you and you now know not to touch your bowl and food while we are feeding you and not to take off your bib during meal time. We are still teaching you not to touch phones and remote controls - all babies love those things!

I didn't do a great job of taking many photos this month and I'm sorry for that! It was a really big month for your sister - she turned four, she got saved (!!!) and she started school. I am ashamed to say that most of the photos I took this month were of her. So sorry about that! (Most of the photos below were taken with my phone, so they aren't very great, but they are what I have.)